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Sisters of the Valley

CBD Gel Caps

Regular price $65.55
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The CBD soft gels are made of full extract pure plant oil from the medical hemp plant.
They are encased in a bovine gelatin capsule.



Contains >25 mg of CBD per capsule.


The Sisters' products ship to all 50 states and worldwide.

CBD Gel Caps ~30 mg of CBD per capsule

The gelcaps provide:

1) a pill form to take CBD that guarantees a certain dosage with every pill
2) a more pure plant oil as the plant oil is extracted with liquid coconut oil providing an excellent holistic form of medicine

Choose 50 gelcaps in the small bottle or 100 gelcaps in the large bottle. A single serving or dose is one to two gelcaps and depends on size and condition.  There are 50 single-gelcap servings in the small bottle and 100 in the large bottle.

Contains ~ 30 mg of CBD per capsule.

Why CBD softgels?
1. Soft-gels are easy to digest and -- more importantly -- provide for easy absorption of CBD into the body.
2. Because of their smooth contour and shape, softgels are very easy-to-swallow especially for the elderly. They also offer superior shelf-life profiles to capsules, liquids, and powders since they are completely sealed and air-tight. 
3. This raw softgel contains a full-spectrum oil that has the full symphony of phyto-cannabinoids and terpenes.  

What the Sisters of The Valley CBD softgels are made of
The CBD soft gels are made of pure plant oil extracted from the plant with liquid coconut oil.  The gelcaps are vegan and made of reverse osmosis purified water, cassava root extract and vegetable glycerin.

How the  Sisters of The Valley CBD soft gels are made
Dexter Labs in Colorado has developed a full-compliance hemp processing supply chain. Therefore, the hand-off of gelcaps happens prior to a full moon.  The Sisters and the tribe make the blessing of the gelcaps part of the full moon ceremony. Only after the gelcaps have been through the full moon ceremony are they bottled, labeled, sealed and sold. 

Is this safe?

  • These products are non-intoxicating.
  • They will not get a person 'high'.
  • They are not addictive.
  • They will not cause a person to fail a drug test.

Product guarantee

  • Lab-tested for potency.
  • Lab-tests are found here.
  • Hand-made by the Sisters of the Valley in cooperation with earth and sun.

Storage instructions

  • Keep closed when not in use.
  • Keep stored in a cool, dry place.
  • Do not refrigerate or freeze.

This product has not been evaluated by the FDA for safety or efficacy.  Keep out of the reach of children.  Women who are nursing or pregnant should consult their physician before using.

Shipping & delivery
The Sisters' products ship to all 50 states and worldwide, with the exception of these restricted countries:  China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Iceland, Slovakia, Canada, Australia.