
Before you purchase, be aware that all sales are final. If you don't receive the package or receive the wrong or missing items, which sometimes happens, we will replace upon reporting it to us at However, our 'no question asked' refund policy is being abused by fraudsters and enemies, so we are suspending that policy in place of this one: All sales are final. Please be sure you want to purchase this before buying. Our policy is NO refunds. So sorry we have to do this, but it is necessary because of a few really bad apples.

Eligible for refund:

1. A replacement product is issued if the original product doesn't arrive or arrives damaged or missing items.

Important: You must document the damage by taking clear high-resolution images and providing them in the attachment in this email:

2. A product is lost in transit and cannot be delivered to the customer.

For customers who buy from us regularly (more than ten times), we will issue refunds, otherwise, it will be a replacement product only.

If you purchased or received a sample of our product from another website or 3rd party (reseller, wholesaler, medical practitioner, etc) you must request a refund or replacement from them directly.

We do not replace or refund products that were not purchased from A purchase receipt indicating that it was purchased from is a mandatory requirement for replacement or refund.

For Returns Forward Your Purchase Receipt To: